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Get the book From The Inside Out: Why diets don't work (and what you are really hungry for) plus The Great Mindset Shift masterclass and four beautiful meditations

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     INSTANT DOWNLOAD - RECEIVE IMMEDIATELY The book and rest of the package are all delivered electronically, in ebook & audiobook format, so you can download and get started right away!

    Here's everything you get:

     ❤️ Both the ebook and audiobook editions of From the Inside Out (read by the author), which has sold over 50,000 copies worldwide

     ❤️ The 3-part masterclass The Great Mindset Shift which will teach you the crucial secret to breaking free from diets forever

     ❤️ Four lovely guided meditations; Step Into your GreatnessConnect to your own Self-WorthFind your Grounding Connection, and The Gratitude and Appreciation Practice

    All for whatever price you feel is right for you...

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    'Ode to Anna' 
    As I sit here reflecting on just how far I've come, 
    I'm happy and so very grateful that this journey has begun. 

    Who knew before I joined your class the emptiness inside 
    could changed this much this fast just by being kind. 

    Teaching us to put ourselves first I'm learning to love and respect me, 
    I've started a journey to a place I thought I could not be. 

    Hello me, you are enough! In fact you're quite amazing. 
    See qualities I have always had has set my heart blazing. 

    As I continue down my path with my heart firmly on my side.  
    I will be able to ride life's waves with confidence and pride. 

    So thank you Anna very much from the bottom of my heart, 
    I know I'm going to be okay for this is just the start!

    Jenny P
    As I sit here reflecting on just how far I've come, I'm happy and so very grateful that this journey has begun.

    Who knew before I joined your class the emptiness inside could changed this much this fast just by being kind.

    Teaching us to put ourselves first I'm learning to love and respect me,
    I've started a journey to a place I thought I could not be.

    Hello me, you are enough! In fact you're quite amazing. See qualities I have always had has set my heart blazing.

    As I continue down my path with my heart firmly on my side. I will be able to ride life's waves with confidence and pride.

    So thank you Anna very much from the bottom of my heart, I know I'm going to be okay for this is just the start!

    Jenny P
    Anna thank you so much for this opportunity
    There are so many things that have changed,
     and I consider myself to be very early on this process.  

    Never before have I:

    Been happy with my body, without first 
    having stepped on the scale to validate my happiness.

    Spent time thinking about what food what make me feel good,
     rather than mindlessly shoveling a full English muffin in because
     that's what we do for Sunday brunch.

    Truly enjoyed a booze free weekend, without the nagging
     feeling of 'needing' a glass of wine with my Sunday roast.

    Found my own path, that includes some variations from the plan, 
    without feeling regret and guilt.

    Stuck to something, and completely believed in 
    the potential it has for enhancing my life.

    It's very liberating and I am so very grateful I 
    happened upon this wonderful group. 

    - a beautiful goddess
    There are so many things that have changed, and I consider myself to be very early on this process.

    Never before have I:

    Been happy with my body, without first
    having stepped on the scale to validate my happiness.

    Spent time thinking about what food what make me feel good, rather than mindlessly shoveling a full English muffin in because that's what we do for Sunday brunch.

    Truly enjoyed a booze free weekend, without the nagging feeling of 'needing' a glass of wine with my Sunday roast.
    Found my own path, that includes some variations from the plan, without feeling regret and guilt.

    Stuck to something, and completely believed in the potential it has for enhancing my life.

    It's very liberating and I am so very grateful I happened upon this wonderful group.

    - a beautiful goddess

    About Anna Anderson

    Anna Anderson's mission in life is to help women break-free from the shackles of dieting and feeling unhappy in their - body guiding them to living a life of peace, freedom, health and joy.

    Featured regularly on BBC Radio, she is an accredited Transformational Life and Integrative Health Coach, NLP Practitioner, founder of The Nurture and Nourish System™, The Warrior Journals Podcast and author of Inside Out: A Guide to Finally Breaking Free from Dieting and Learning how to Live a Life of Freedom, Joy and Health

    Her work comes through her own journey of healing, learning to love and nurture herself in the way she ate she found a freedom she is now passionate about teaching to others.
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    Copyright © 2024 - Anna Anderson, Inc.