Yearning to create a consistent and enduring self-care practice?
The Groundbreaking Online Self-Love Club For Women Who Are Ready to Awaken Their Inner Goddess
Yearning to create
 a consistent and  enduring self-care practice?
The Groundbreaking Online Self-Love Club For Women Who Are 
Ready to Awaken Their Inner Goddess
Experience a unique online wellness sanctuary where you’ll discover all the resources you need to effortlessly nurture your mind, body, and spirit so that you can create a high vibrational life full of purpose, joy and confidence
Experience a unique online wellness sanctuary where you’ll discover all the resources you need to effortlessly nurture your mind, body, and spirit so that you can create a high vibrational life full of purpose, joy and confidence.
Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

You recognise that self-care is essential to your well-being, yet you struggle to stay inspired beyond the initial excitement…

You enjoy exercise, meditation, and the idea of a wholesome diet but it often feels like you’re taking 2 steps back for every 1 step forward…

You want to prioritise self-care but the path can seem long and lonely…

Deep down you know that with the right support, you could establish the positive habits you crave – but something is holding you back…

You get into great routines and then it seems to slip and you are tired of going backwards and forwards

If you thought “Yes, that sounds like me!” to any of these, then High Vybe is for you! 
What is High Vybe?
High Vybe is a brand new membership for women which hands you everything you need for your well-being – all within a single, safe online community.

Becoming a member of High Vybe is like finally coming home to yourself. It’s like opening the door to the healthiest and most joyful version of you – through a powerful combination of:

  • Monthly Mindset Masterclasses
  • ​Monthly Meditation Classes
  • ​Weekly Tapping / Emotional Freedom Technique Classes
  • ​Weekly Movement / Exercise classes
  • ​Weekly yummy, healthy and easy recipes
  • ​Guest expert Masterclasses
  • ​Daily email ‘love notes’ to keep you inspired
  • ​Peer support and accountability
  • ​Everything available live and stored in a pre-recorded library
  • ​An inbuilt calendar to keep you up to date on all classes, and enable you to add them to your diary
  • ​And so much more!
Consider it like having a personal wellness concierge team, available at the click of a button.

High Vybe is your haven if you seek enduring wellness… and the ability to effortlessly move and nourish your body, and stay inspired and build your tribe of like-minded women – no matter life’s demands.

And, once you step inside High Vybe, I’ll be your guide - helping you overcome any obstacles you may face.
Anna Anderson has been featured in…
Anna Anderson has been featured in…
From: The Desk of 
From: The Desk of 
Anna Anderson
Dear and Beautiful You,
Dear and Beautiful You,
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if self-care was as effortless as 1… 2… 3? And just imagine if you could feel motivated and inspired to move your body, eat well, and meditate every single day as well as learning ground-breaking techniques to shift stubborn beliefs and patterns and help you step into the truly empowered being you are within.

It might be hard to imagine it right now – especially when you’re juggling work, family, and home…

But here’s what I know from experience:

Anyone can bid farewell to their self-care struggles – and it’s simpler than you might think.

​Now, you don’t need me to tell you that nurturing your body, eating nourishing foods, and tending to your mind are the keys to lasting health, wellbeing, joy and peace.

​But let’s face it, even if you have the best intentions, life can get busy. And within the blink of an eye, the self-care routine you worked so hard to create can vanish into thin air – leaving you:
  • Beating yourself up for “failing” 
  • ​Feeling like you’re taking one step forward and two steps back
  • ​Punishing yourself for not measuring up
  • ​And wondering if it’s even possible to make yourself a priority
Well, if this resonates with you, I want you to know this…
You Are Not Alone
Over the years I’ve met hundreds of women who understand precisely what they “should” be doing to care for their minds and bodies.

Many have explored numerous health and mindset programs, searching for the elusive self-care solution. But with each new approach they encounter, the outcome is always the same:

Their routines become tiresome, isolating, and – dare I say – a little bit boring.

But here’s the truth:
If you’ve ever taken an exercise class…

Or started a healthy eating regime…

You likely possess all the knowledge you need to look and feel incredible. And you likely KNOW deep down that self-care is not negotiable.

So what’s really going on? If you already know what you should be doing…

And if you’re already armed with all the knowledge you need to create positive, lasting change…

Why is it so challenging to maintain a consistent self-care practice?
It’s Not Your Fault
After years struggling to prioritise my own self-care, I finally uncovered the REAL reason behind my difficulties. Once I grasped this truth, everything I’d been grappling with suddenly made sense.

And once I saw self-care through this new lens, it became easier than ever to uphold my healthy routines.

Before I reveal the REAL reason why self-care feels so challenging, I want to take a moment to debunk a few harmful self-care myths:
Myth #1 - “Self-care is too time-consuming – and I’m too busy”
When you’re juggling responsibilities at work, family, and at home – squeezing in self-care might seem impossible. I understand. But did you know…

You can experience a significant transformation by dedicating just a few minutes each day to movement and meditation.

Science shows that just a few minutes’ meditation can positively impact your nervous system, your internal chemistry, and even the information stored in your DNA!

The key is to squeeze maximum results from the time you do have available for…

  • Movement…
  • ​Meditation…
  • ​Healthy eating, etc…
Even if you have just a few minutes per day – I’ll show you how to make the most of every second when you join me inside High Vybe.
Myth #2 - “Prioritising myself is selfish”
When researchers surveyed 1,000 women about self-care, a startling truth emerged.

While over 80% of women said they found self-care relaxing and rejuvenating… over 71% felt guilty for taking time out for themselves. Sound familiar?

Many women I work with grapple with this guilt. They know they should carve out time for themselves. And yet…

Guilt blocks them from actually doing it.

Of course, it’s normal to feel compelled to put others’ needs first. But studies show when we forgo our own needs to the extreme…

Our sacrifices don’t just hurt and limit US. They can also negatively impact our loved ones too.
It’s why putting yourself first is not just important – it’s essential.

And inside High Vybe, I’ll empower you with techniques to prioritise self-care without guilt.
Myth #3 - “Self-Care requires discipline”
If you’ve ever told yourself, “you’re not disciplined enough to make this work” you must know this:

You do not lack (or need) a “discipline gene” to consistently take care of yourself. And poor discipline is not to blame when your healthy routine falters.

In fact, once you overcome the real self-care obstacle I’m about to reveal…

You won’t need to rely on willpower to make your healthy habits stick.
The REAL Reason Why Consistent Self-Care Feels So Challenging
What most people don’t realise, is that humans evolved with a critical design flaw. And it’s this design flaw which causes us to:
  • Let go of healthy habits even when we KNOW they’re beneficial for our minds and bodies…
  • ​Get pulled back in unhealthy patterns – though we understand the harm we’re inflicting on our minds and bodies…
  • ​Yo-yo between making positive lifestyle changes… and slipping back into old routines – even when we promise ourselves, “this time it will be different”...
It’s why many women feel like they’re sabotaging their own well-being.
But here’s the truth:

YOU are not sabotaging your well-being. Your MIND is! In fact, there’s a part of your mind which is specifically designed to keep you stuck in old patterns.

The question is WHY?
Why Would Your Own Mind Want You to Stay Stuck?
It all boils down to the way our minds evolved tens of thousands of years ago.

You see, the design flaw that is keeping you stuck today – is actually a mechanism designed to keep our ancestors safe.

Which makes sense when you consider the dangerous world our ancestors lived in. Trouble is, this mechanism that kept our ancestors safe, is now a flaw that keeps many women stuck.

It’s a mechanism that compels humans to “stick with what they know”. Why?

Because there’s safety in what’s familiar.

And there could be danger when you try something new (even when that something new brings about better health and well-being).
But Don’t Worry!
Because there is a simple way to override this human design flaw. And it’s the basis for everything I’ll share inside High Vybe.

When you join High Vybe …

Together, we’ll lay unshakable foundations that will help keep alive the routines, rituals, and practices which will:
  • Melt away your mind’s resistance to healthy, new habits – so that regular movement, maintaining a wholesome diet, and consistent meditation can become second nature for you
  • ​Help you embed positive lifestyle changes – without your motivation slipping away… even when life gets chaotic
  • ​Keep you committed to your spiritual practice, without guilt, boredom, or your nagging to do list pulling you off track
Here’s a glimpse of how I take care of myself these days:
These days, I consistently prioritise my well-being without guilt or resistance… even during busy periods and it supports everyone around me because I am my best self.
The result?
I can effortlessly maintain the routines, rituals and practices that bring me immense health, well-being and joy.

And inside High Vybe, I’m going to show you how to achieve the same transformation.
Every single strategy inside High Vybe is a method I’ve personally employed to create positive change in my life
Not only that:

They’re the very methods I harness every single day, to create tremendous long-lasting well-being and joy.

And when you join High Vybe, you’ll gain immediate access to all my best secrets.

Here’s a reminder of what’s inside:
The “Whole Human” Secret to Creating the
Life You REALLY Want
Your happiness, your success, and your well-being all depend on nourishing THREE CORE ELEMENTS: your physical body, your mind, and your spirit.

Most other wellness programs take care of ONE of these elements at a time – without considering how each element feeds off each other to create results.

“It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures.”

– Oprah Winfrey

“It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures.”

– Oprah Winfrey
How many times has your body cried out for healthier food and exercise… but if your mindset is out of whack, you immediately slip into poor habits again?

And how many times have you yearned for a clear mind… but your tired, aching body wouldn’t allow you to meditate?

You’ll be amazed how often people’s mind-body-spirit connection is broken.
And this is the reason why most “create a better life” programs are so hard to stick to.

It’s also why High Vybe seamlessly blends all 3 elements, to repair and maintain these essential connections…

So you can easily create the foundations for the life you really want.
What’s Inside High Vybe?
£1164 Value

Step-by-step monthly masterclasses in Mindset, Self-love, and Personal Development 

£720 Value

Weekly yoga and pilates-inspired movement classes

£297 Value

Easy to digest daily success tips

£197 Value

Complete healthy recipes of delicious nourishing foods


Access to the High Vybe private Community

£497 Value
  • Energy Forecasts
  • ​Guided Meditations
  • ​Guest Expert Masterclasses
  • ​And more!
Total Value = £2,875
What’s Inside High Vybe?
£1164 Value

Step-by-step monthly masterclasses in Mindset, Self-love, and Personal Development 

£720 Value

Weekly yoga and pilates-inspired movement classes

£297 Value

Easy to digest daily success tips

£197 Value

Complete healthy recipes of delicious nourishing foods


Access to the High Vybe private Community

£497 Value
  • Energy Forecasts
  • ​Guided Meditations
  • ​Guest Expert Masterclasses
  • ​And more!
Total Value = $2,875
Element #1 - Your Physical Body 
You don’t need me to tell you that exercise is great for your body. It can help you manage weight, reduce disease risk, strengthen bones and muscles, and so on.

But what if I told you taking care of your body can make you happier too?

It’s true.

Have you heard of the term “runner’s high”? 

It’s the exercise-induced happy hormone spike that leaves you feeling great right after a workout.

Sadly, this high only lasts for a couple of minutes. And the effort it takes to achieve that high? 

Well, let’s just say you really have to sweat for it.
Which explains why most people give up on exercise after only a week or two!
The good news is, there is a way to create lasting euphoria while also getting in the best shape of your life…and without killing yourself in a gym. What exercise could possibly do this for you?

It’s yoga and pilates, of course.

But just like everything inside of High Vybe, we’re going to make your practice really count.

Almost every wellness expert will encourage you to practise yoga and pilates. It’s practically a given. But the vast majority ignore the essential secret to making your practice stick.

The secret is so simple, yet so profound, it literally transformed my yoga and pilates practice. And you’ll discover the secret inside High Vybe.
Element #2 - Your Mind
“I see a world very different from the one I had been living in. And for the first time in my life, I am truly happy,” one of my clients told me.

“All the baggage I was carrying around - guilt, sadness, regret, anger, anxiety has gone. I am healthier, fitter, more enthusiastic, more understanding, and a better mum, wife and friend. I wake excited for the day. And I go to bed happy.”

I’ll explain how anyone can free themselves from their “baggage” and open themselves up to limitless possibilities in a moment.
But first, let me be clear…
The work we’ll do together inside High Vybe is not designed to throw up pain or negative past experiences. 

Quite the opposite.

Together we’ll uncover positive ideas, solutions, and can-do thoughts. And we’ll steer you away from the worries and anxiety that block your progress.

That’s why I’m asking you NOT to hunt for past trauma.

 you to look at what’s serving you right now and to optimise your habits through a powerful combination of:
Element #3 - Your Spirit
Let’s face it, we live in a world that is driven by having more, doing more, and being more.

But here’s the honest truth: True joy and freedom come from knowing who you really are. And believing you are enough. Instead of chasing the perfect career… the perfect body… the perfect home…

Or whatever external “trophy” the world urges you to go after.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with wanting any of these things. The key is to know WHY you want them.
And to pursue your desires from a place of self-love. Not from the pressure to measure up.

It’s why, inside High Vybe, you get all the tools to reconnect with your spirit, silence the chatter, and finally HEAR what you actually want out of life.

Plus you get a complete set of practices designed to boost your confidence, and feed your spirit with kindness and self-compassion.
All of this is available for “Founding Members”
For just £397 a year
(Or £97 per month if you choose to pay monthly)
Your Payment Options
You can easily spread the cost of your High Vybe membership over 12 months. 
Pay in full and you'll receive the best value.

You can easily spread the cost of your High Vybe membership over 12 months. 


Pay in full and you'll receive the best value.

Which is incredibly good value when you think about it.

How much is gym membership these days? £50 per month? £60 per month? Maybe even £100 a month?

That’s over £600 per year just to deadlift some weights. Then, you can add on another £516 for Weight Watchers. Plus another £70 a year for the latest guided meditation app.

It means you could fork out a 4-figure sum before you’ve even scratched the surface of what’s inside of High Vybe.

And let’s not forget… most of these methods won’t give you the results you’ve been looking for.

If they could, we would have all cracked the self-care code by now!
I certainly hope so. But of course no one can guarantee that any program will truly work for you. You simply have to try it yourself and see. But don’t worry.

Because I’m going to make it as simple and risk-free for you as I possibly can.

All you have to do is hit the button below…👇
Enter your details when prompted, and within minutes you’ll receive instructions to gain instant access to High Vybe.

Then, once you’re inside, you’ll have 30 days to test drive High Vybe. It means you can feel empowered by the masterclasses…

You can free-up your body with the weekly movement sessions…

You can melt away your worries thanks to the relaxation exercises…

You can get motivated by daily success tips…

Plus, you can share experiences with your new High Vybe Family…

And, in the unlikely event you aren’t floored by what’s inside High Vybe, you can simply cancel your membership…

And I’ll personally see that you receive a full fast refund – no questions asked.

Anyway you look at it, that’s a fair invitation don’t you think? But don’t make your final decision just yet. Because I have something more for you.
Not only do you get this amazing price but also these gifts…
FREE Gift #1 
(For the First 30 Founding Members)
Private 1:1 Coaching Call with me, Anna Anderson
If you’re one of the first 30 members to jump into High Vybe, you’ll receive an extra special thank you gift:

A private coaching call with me – where I’ll personally answer your questions…

Dig deep into a subject of your choosing…

And set you on course for your long-lasting wellness transformation.

But you must act now. Because I only have 30 1:1 call slots available.

Calls will be allocated on a strictly first come first served basis.

And once they’re gone, they’re gone.

So if you want in, hit the button and join High Vybe now!
FREE Gift #2
(For the First 100 Founding Members)
A Signed Copy of my Top-Rated Book, From the Inside Out: Why Diets Don’t Work (and What You are Really Hungry For)
If you’re one of the first 100 Founding Members of High Vybe, you’ll receive a FREE signed copy of my top-rated book, with a personal note to you.

It reveals why everything you’ve been taught about weight loss is wrong…

And how to finally break free from the perpetual cycle of eating, guilt, and shame.

Don’t delay! I only have 100 signed copies to hand out.

And they’re guaranteed to fly off the shelves.
FREE Gift #3
(ALL Founding Members)
An Instant Audio Download of my Top-Rated Book, From the Inside Out: Why Diets Don’t Work (and What You are Really Hungry For)
No strings attached. This gift is a token of my gratitude to you for having the confidence to invest in yourself.

When you register today, you’ll receive an instant audio download of my top-rated book.

And it’s yours to keep forever - for FREE.
“Never in a Million Years Did I Think I would Learn So Much About Myself”
“I was throwing every ounce of energy I had into looking after my young family.

And I was just ploughing through and not listening to myself.

Never in a million years did I think I would learn so much about myself. I have learned to love me again and I am truly happy.”
“Anna is a Blessing for My Health and Well-Being”
“Not only is Anna a blessing for my health and well-being but she also gives me a much-needed kick up the bum!

Anna has had a huge impact and I feel like I’m changing and growing quickly.

You are my favourite spiritual and nutritional coach!”
“For the First Time in 45 Years I’m Putting Myself First”
“I always said “yes” to everything people asked of me and I could never do enough to make them happy.
For the first time in 45 years, I’ve been putting myself first…

And I have found a whole new sense of peace. I finally have the tools to look after me.”
“I Actually Have a Date this Weekend!”
“For the first time in a long time, I feel positive about the future.
I have more patience with my children, and I have the confidence to put myself out there again.

I’m meeting more mums and I actually have a date this weekend!”
“You Gave Me the Most Amazing Freedom and Confidence”
“When I first met Anna, I wasn’t sure how to adapt to making time to be positively introspective.

After all, who knows what it would throw up?
But the journey I embarked on gave me the most amazing freedom and confidence.”
“I Feel So Much More Peaceful”
“Now I focus on myself as a whole person.
I focus on my health, I meditate, I walk outdoors.

I feel so much better as a person and in myself. And I feel so much more peaceful.

Thank you.”
“Working with Anna Was Like Having the Best Friend I always Needed”
“Working with Anna was like having the best friend I always needed.
She believes in you and really sees how wonderful you are.

Thanks to you I’ve reclaimed ME. And because of that I have a better relationship with my family, my mum, and myself.”
“I’m 50 This Year and Finally Looking After Myself”
“I kept thinking: ‘I’ll do that when I’m thinner’. I kept putting my life on hold.

I was just existing and going through the motions.

Nowadays, I feel happy, confident, and I know what I must do to make my life better.

I’m 50 this year and I’m finally looking after myself.”
“I’m Shining on the Inside and Out”
“I didn’t like what I had let myself become. Life was too hard.

But now my whole life has changed. And I can’t believe how easy it was.

The change is literally embedded into my life.
Now I feel like I’m shining on the inside and out.”
Jane McGuire
“Now, I Don’t Wait for Other People’s Approval. I Believe in Myself”
“When I first met Anna, I felt like everything was getting on top of me and I was in a bit of a hole.

Thanks to Anna, I’ve discovered strategies that calm me down, make me kinder to myself, and give me confidence to trust my instincts.

Now, I don’t wait for other people’s approval. I believe in myself.”
Rachel Elizabeth
“There Was Just Something Missing”
“I’ve got an amazing network of friends, and a great career. But there was just something missing.

I was punishing myself… not liking myself… and not relaxed in my body.
Nowadays I’ve learned to nourish my mind and body. And I’m kinder to myself.

In short, I now LOVE myself!”
Tee Randall
“People Keep Asking Me, ‘Wow! What’s Your Secret?’”
“When I discovered Anna, I was at the end of my tether.

I got to a point where I felt like my body hated me. And I felt flat and demotivated.

I knew I needed to take back control of my body and my life.

Anna helped me do that.
These days, people keep asking me. “Wow! What’s your secret?”
Anna Hamilton
“Never in a Million Years Did I Think I would Learn So Much About Myself”
“I was throwing every ounce of energy I had into looking after my young family. And I was just ploughing through and not listening to myself. Never in a million years did I think I would learn so much about myself. I have learned to love me again and I am truly happy.”
“Anna is a Blessing for My Health and Well-Being”
“Not only is Anna a blessing for my health and well-being but she also gives me a much-needed kick up the bum!

Anna has had a huge impact and I feel like I’m changing and growing quickly.  You are my favourite spiritual and nutritional coach!”
“For the First Time in 45 Years I’m Putting Myself First”
“I always said “yes” to everything people asked of me and I could never do enough to make them happy. For the first time in 45 years, I’ve been putting myself first…

And I have found a whole new sense of peace. I finally have the tools to look after me.”
“I Actually Have a Date this Weekend!”
“For the first time in a long time, I feel positive about the future.

I have more patience with my children, and I have the confidence to put myself out there again.

I’m meeting more mums and I actually have a date this weekend!”
“You Gave Me the Most Amazing Freedom and Confidence”
“When I first met Anna, I wasn’t sure how to adapt to making time to be positively introspective. After all, who knows what it would throw up?
But the journey I embarked on gave me the most amazing freedom and confidence.”
“I Feel So Much More Peaceful”
“Now I focus on myself as a whole person.

I focus on my health, I meditate, I walk outdoors.

I feel so much better as a person and in myself. And I feel so much more peaceful.

Thank you.”
“Working with Anna Was Like Having the Best Friend I always Needed”
“Working with Anna was like having the best friend I always needed.
She believes in you and really sees how wonderful you are.

Thanks to you I’ve reclaimed ME. And because of that I have a better relationship with my family, my mum, and myself.”
“I’m 50 This Year and Finally Looking After Myself”
“I kept thinking: ‘I’ll do that when I’m thinner’. I kept putting my life on hold. I was just existing and going through the motions.

Nowadays, I feel happy, confident, and I know what I must do to make my life better.

I’m 50 this year and I’m finally looking after myself.”
“I’m Shining on the Inside and Out”
“I didn’t like what I had let myself become. 

Life was too hard.

But now my whole life has changed. And I can’t believe how easy it was.

The change is literally embedded into my life. 

Now I feel like I’m shining on the inside and out.”
Jane McGuire
“Now, I Don’t Wait for Other People’s Approval. I Believe in Myself”
“When I first met Anna, I felt like everything was getting on top of me and I was in a bit of a hole.

Thanks to Anna, I’ve discovered strategies that calm me down, make me kinder to myself, and give me confidence to trust my instincts.

Now, I don’t wait for other people’s approval. I believe in myself.”
Rachel Elizabeth
“There Was Just Something Missing”
“I’ve got an amazing network of friends, and a great career. But there was just something missing.

I was punishing myself… not liking myself… and not relaxed in my body.

Nowadays I’ve learned to nourish my mind and body. And I’m kinder to myself.

In short, I now LOVE myself!”
Tee Randall
“People Keep Asking Me, ‘Wow! What’s Your Secret?’”
“When I discovered Anna, I was at the end of my tether.

I got to a point where I felt like my body hated me. And I felt flat and demotivated.

I knew I needed to take back control of my body and my life.

Anna helped me do that.
These days, people keep asking me. “Wow! What’s your secret?”
Anna Hamilton
Copyright © 2023 - Anna Anderson, Inc.